Damron Investigations of Michigan offers a number of services designed to give you peace of mind!
When you need answers, contact Damron Investigations.
From across the nation you can have one of our private investigators check on the well being of a friend, loved one, a family member, or sick parent.
Many times the local Police are overburdened with radio calls, and it may take several hours or possibly an entire day in some instances to respond. Can you really afford to wait anxiously for news about a loved one? We will consider all reasonable and legal requests.
Just some of the circumstances for an alive & well check could include:
- In home environment concerns
- Nursing home care
- Children attending colleges or camps requiring emergency contact
- Unanswered phone response for a short, or extended period of time
When you need peace of mind, look to Damron Investigations. Contact Damron Investigations of Michigan to learn about our full list of investigative services.